09 April 2012 By: The Realjazz

What you Don´t Know about Prescription Drugs

Why Do  We Take Prescription Drugs Without Knowing What is in Them?
Photo of Potofen by Mk2010

Do you know what is in the prescription drugs your taking or what they are made from? Believe thats a fiar question to ask since we take drugs blindly on the faith that they will make us better.We  should know what we are putting in our bodies so that we do not damage them. This holds true for everything we take in to our bodies. Prescription Drugs especially becuase they are ment to heal us.

The Source of Drugs Today.
A Drug- is an isolated chemical derived from a plant.The source of  prescription drugs today are plants. However today drug companies look for medicinal properties of plants and try to pinpoint what is in the plant that is thee active constituent. Then they will isolate that chemical and then synthesize it .  Thus  what you have is a prescription drug that is a synthetic copy of only one part of a plant of what the drug company considers to be the active constituent. This makes makes drugs and prescription drugs very dangerous and very toxic.  About 250 drugs on the market are not derivatives but are an extract of a plant in wich the active ingredient can not be synthesized. These extrats are toxic to us because the other chemicals have been removed which bring a natural balance to the plant in which causes the plant to be nontoxic. So by only using one chemical you increase toxicity greatly.

Origin of Modern drugs  and Active Ingredients.

by Markus Schweiss
The whole drug industry was started about 100 years ago. The industry was started with a man called John D Rockefeller who had a lot of oil. One of the ways he marketed that oil was to take that crude oil and not change anything with it and place it into bottles and sell it as a medication. This was on the market until about the 1930`s. Strait crude oil was marketed as a drug. I know it´s hard to believe but it is true. Then they discoverd that they were able to take this crude oil and separate out the chemicals in the oil and from these chemicals recreate the active constituent   from the plants with medicinal qualities. So basically what I am saying is drugs are made from synthetic sources, which we would call plastic. The synthetic version is faster acting then the chemical in the plant but  it is more toxic and is not safe.

The Reason why I am Sharing this Information
I am sharing this information because I know it is true and to try to persuade you to try the natural way first. Master herbalist are becoming more and more common thus making it easier to be guided to excellent health threw nutritional and herbal healing. I know natural healing is the way to go because I have seen the damaging effects of prescription drugs on my family and I would prefer that you would avoid emotional trauma that comes from a continued use of prescription drugs the healing affects of herbs when used by someone educated to on how to use herbs to give the body a boost in healing it´s self.


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