The process begins with cleansing and regulating the bowel with Dr Christopher’s Lower Bowel Formula. The goal is to move the bowel as often as one eats—2 or 3 times a day. I focus on this goal by itself for the first week. The recommended maintenance amount on the bottle label is 2 capsules 3 times per day. Individuals may need to increase this by one capsule each day until they achieve the desired goal of having a bowel movement three times each day. I have found that most clients with long standing health challenges suffer from constipation or diarrhea. Having them focus on getting the bowel moving (or calmed down) for a full week before starting the kidney and liver cleanse ensures this critical main pathway is running properly. One gentleman reported that he lost seven pounds in the first week of bowel cleansing.
Dr Christopher’s Lower Bowel Formula contains:
Photo By Dana Griffin follow link@ehow |
- Cascara Sagrada Bark
- Barberry Bark
- Cayenne Pepper
- Ginger Root
- Lobelia Herb
- Red Raspberry Leaf
- Turkey Rhubarb Root
- Fennel Seed
- Goldenseal Root
I have worked with some people who were so blocked up that
it took months to get moving. Patience
and consistency is the key. With all
herbal formula’s I find that following Dr Christopher’s recommendation to take for
6 days and rest on the 7th day, is a natural cycle that produces the
fastest results. Some clients find that
they have to continue with the Lower Bowel formula on the off day to keep
things moving. I suggest drinking more
water, eating fresh foods and more fiber to alleviate this need. Every herbal program should be adjusted by
the individual under the care of a trained health professional.
After the first week add Dr Christopher’s Kidney Formula and the Liver and Gall Bladder Formula. These are also taken 6 days per weeks and rest on the 7th day.
The Kidney Formula contains:
- Juniper Berry
- Parsley Root
- Uva Ursi Leaf
- Marshmallow Root
- Lobelia Herb
- Ginger Root
- Goldenseal Root.
The Liver and Gall Bladder Formula contains:
Peppermint closeup by Gürkan Sengün |
- Barberry Bark
- Wild Yam Root
- Cramp Bark
- Fennel Seed
- Ginger Root
- Catnip Herb P
- Peppermint Leaf.
After a week on the three above formulas
Add Dr Christopher’s Blood Stream Formula. This formula is added when all the elimination organs are fully functioning to provide a channel for elimination. IfThe Blood Stream Formula where started before the bowel, kidney and liver were capable of handling the toxins then poisons would be released but unable to exit the body. A cleansing crisis would be more likely as increased toxins moved into the blood and throughout the body.
Continue on this extended herbal cleanse for 6 weeks.
Take a week off during which you assess your condition to see if you need to repeat this process. Following the extended herbal cleanse you may need to continue on the Lower Bowel formula for a time to help the bowel heal. Don’t despair if this takes time. This depends on the damage done. Some people take years to restore the bowel to proper function. Slippery Elm may also help the bowel to restore to proper function.
Natural Health Benefits
Weight loss and more energy are natural outcomes that come with reducing the toxic load. When a channel for elimination is open, a natural weight loss of 1/3 to 1/2 pound per day is experienced by some people.
Those who follow the diet that Dr Christopher calls the mucusless
diet, eating mostly plant based fresh foods, and supplementing where needed
with herbal builders for their weakest organs, find the most rapid recovery.
As with your car, if you have neglected the maintenance for
many years and missed the routine maintenance, it may take remedial and repeat
work to restore everything to full functioning.
My wife and I share a philosophy that mirrors this automobile
maintenance analogy. We use the extended
herbal cleanse periodically to restore the cleansing organs to full
function. This may be every two years
applying the full six week process. We
rebuild our worn out or weak organs with the 6 week cycle the rest of the year.
Legal note There has not been sufficient study by the FDA of the herbs or formulas to say that it is good for the claimes mentioned above or to say that it is not true. Please read my legal disclaimer.
If you would like to follow this program go to to purchase these herbal supplements.
Formulas obtained
Method of administration modified from
Nicely done. I've been writing and teaching a lot about treatment of pain with herbs recently, and this is a well-done energetic approach.
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