1.)Follow the instructions given in Dr Christopher’s Extended Herbal Cleanse – The Effective 30,000 Mile Maintenance
".)If you don´t want to do the full cleans then just take Dr Christopher’s Lower Bowel Formula for 6 weeks and use the Herbal Remedy Recipes listed here and on my prevouis post How to Cure Kidney Disease with Herbal Remedy Recipes (bladder)
Note: Your lower bowels need to be clean to be completely healed. The toxins and waste need a place to go thus the recommendations above.
Herbal Remedy Recipes for Kidney Disease (The Kidneys)
Orgen Grape root by annies remedy |
Ingredients for the Herbal Remedy Recipes
1 teaspoon of Orgen grape root
1 teaspoon of wild cherry root
2 cups of water
see Herbal Preparations teas (decoction) for instructions on how to prepare herbal teas.
Take 1 to 2 teaspoon at a time up to a cup a day.
Renal Tea for Kidney Irregularities
Ingredients for the Herbal Remedy Recipes
3/8 of an ounce of Button Snake Root
3/8 of an ounce of Pipsissewa Herb
3/4 of an ounce of Couch Grass
1 ounce of Mountain Cranberry Leaves
5/8 of an ounce Buchu
3/8 of an ounce of Juniper Berries
1/8 of an ounce of Celery Seed
1/8 of an ounce of Lovage Root
Mix well and divide into 20 doses, using either Herbs especially cut for Herbal Tea, or in the powdered form.
Instructions for Herbal Tea: Add one dose to two cups of boiling water, cover, boil slowly for about 2 to 3 minutes, let it stand for ten minutes, then strain and take one half in the morning and at night either before or after meals. If boiling water is not available, use hot water and allow to stand for half hour. It may be sweetened with honey, rock candy, sugar, etc., to suit taste.
Instructions for Herbal Powder: Divide one dose in two parts, taking one half morning, and night either before or after meals. It may be taken in water, or mixed with honey, jelly or jam. This formula has a very healing and strengthening action upon the kidneys, helping them to function normally. It tends to diminish the
quantity of albumen and aids in overcoming the weakening effects of the disease.
Golden rod by Derek Harper |
Ingredients for the Herbal Remedy Recipes
3/4 of an ounce of Pichi Tops
1/2 of an ounce of Gravel Plant
1 1/4 of an ounce of Hydrangea Bark
1/2 of an ounce of Golden Rod
1/2 of an ounce of Mountain Cranberry Leaves
1/4 of an ounce of Horsetail Rush
Mix well and divide into 20 doses, using either Herbs especially cut for Herbal Tea; or in the powdered form.
Instructions for Herbal Tea: Add one dose to two cups of boiling water, cover, boil slowly for about 2 to 3 minutes, let it stand for ten rninutes, then strain and take one half in the morning and at night either before or after meals. If boiling water is not available, use hot water and allow to stand for half hour. It may be sweetened with honey, rock candy, etc., to suit taste.
Instructions for Herbal Powder: Divide one dose in two parts, taking one half morning and at night, either before or after meals. It may be taken in water or mixed with honey, jelly or jam. The herbs entering into this formula are favorably known for their power to gradually dissolve and remove calcareous deposits from the urinary tract, and to relieve inflammation. They are, therefore, highly recommended in stones and gravel in kidneys and bladder.
Juniper Berries By Fungus Guy |
1 ounce of Mountain Cranberry
1/6 of an ounce of Birch Leaves
1 ounce of Couch Grass
1/2 of an ounce of Buchu Leaves.
1/6 of an ounce of Juniper Berries
3/8 of an ounce of Princes Pine
3/8 of an ounce of Shave Grass
1 ounce of Celery Seed
Mix well and divide into 20 doses, using either Herbs especially cut for Tea or in the powdered form.
Instructions for the Herbal Remedy Recipes Tea: Add one dose to two cups of simmering water, cover,simmer slowly for about 2 to 3 minutes, let it stand for ten minutes, then strain and take one half in the morning, and at night either 30 min before or after meals.If boiling water is not available, use hot water and allow to stand for half an hour. It may be sweetened with honey, rock candy, etc., to suit taste.
Instructions for the Herbal Remedy Recipes Powder: Divide one dose in two parts, taking one halfmorning, and at night, either before or after meals. It may be taken in water, or mixed with honey, jelly or jam.Whenever a reliable remedy is needed to relieve an inflamed catarrhal condition of the bladder, with its annoying symptoms of scanty or painful urination, thick cloudy urine, spasms in the bladder, constant desire to urinate, then this formula can be used to good advantage. They stimulate the action of the genito-urinary tract, relieve irritation and tend
to act as a soothing and healing agent to the mucous membrane of Kidneys.
Distilled Water Photo by DP-1 |
Ingredients for the Herbal Remedy Recipes
5 ounces of Sweet Oil .
1 ounce of Distilled Water
1/12 of a ounce of Castile Soap
Oil of Peppermint as needed
To improve the taste of this preparation. Dissolve castile soap in distilled water, then add sweet oil and oil of pepermint and shake until a uniform
emulsion is obtained.
Instructions for the Herbal Remedy Recipes: Take two capsules, Bile Capsules , half an hour before taking Gall-Bladder Remedy The entire contents of Formula Gall-Bladder Remedy should be poured into a cup (diluted with water if desired) and taken all in one dose This preparation should be taken on an evening, the following day of which, the patient does not work, as the contents of the stools for the next 24 hours must be watched. Because of the size of the dose there may be some nausea, but it is perfectly harmless and safe. In such cases a small quantity of lemon, or orange juice may be taken. The best way of examining the stools is by using either a chamber or pail and washing them with water. All congealed bile, which is light and waxy, will float on top, and matter of a calcareous nature will sink to the bottom. If the trouble is due to catarrh, then catarrhal slime will be found in the stools. Gall-Bladder Remedy should be repeated once a week until stools are found to be normal. Bile Capsules , however, should be taken regularly as long as the bowels need regulation. Gall-Bladder Remedy has saved thousands from Gallbladder operations. It is harmless and safe. It removes obstructions without pain and should be given a fair trial before resorting to an operation.
Urinary Antiseptic
Ingredients for the Herbal Remedy Recipes
1/2 an ounce of Buchu Leaves
1 ounce of Uva Ursi Leaves
3/8 of an ounce of Spleenwort Fern.
3/8 of an ounce of Seven Barks
1/4 of an ounce of Blue Flag
3/4 of an ounce of Gravel Plant
3/4 of an ounce of Horse Tail Rush
Mix well and divide into 20 doses, using either Herbs especially cut for Tea, or in the powdered form.
Instructions for the Herbal Tea: Add one dose to two cups of boiling water, cover,boil slowly for about 2 to 3 minutes, let it stand for ten minutes, then strain and take one half in the morning and at night either before or after meals.If boiling water is not available, use hot water and allow to stand for halfan hour. It may be sweetened with honey, rock candy, etc., to suit taste .
Instructions for the Herbal Powder: Divide one dose in two parts, taking one half morning, and night, either before or after meals. It may be taken in water, or mixed with honey, jelly or jam.
By Cable of Cable´s Roots & Herbs |
Ingredients for the Herbal Remedy Recipes
1 Teaspoon of horseradish root
1 teaspoon queen of the meadow leaves
1 teaspoon of parsley
1 cup of water
Instructions for the Herbal Remedy Recipes: place the horseradish root into a suace pan and and boil to for five minutes. Then remove from heat and let cool for a minute or 2 and ad the rest of the herbs and let steep for 15 to 30 mins.
Take one tablespoon of the tea and mix it with natural apple juice three or 4 times daily.
Urinary Antiseptic Capsules
Ingredients for the Herbal Remedy Recipes
1/8 of an ounce of Catechu Powder
1/4 of an ounce of Cubeb Berries Powder
1/4 of an ounce of Kava-Kava Root
1/8 of an ounce of Button Snake Root
5 1/5 of an ounce of Balsam Copaiva
4 drops Oil of Lovage
Make into a paste and fill into 60 capsules equally divided.Directions: One capsule three times a day after meals, with water. One capsule three times a day after meals, with water.The combined use of Urinary Antiseptic & Urinary Antiseptic Capsules daily, will be of especial benefit in Gonorrhea and Gleet.
Photo of pipsissewa by Walter Siegmund |
Ingredients for the Herbal Remedy Recipes
1 teaspoon black currants
1 teaspoon pipsissewa
1 cup of water
see Herbal Preparations teas (infusion) for instructions on how to prepare herbal teas.
This tea is for inflammation of the bladder. Take to to three cups three times daily.
Bladder Tea #2
Ingredients for the Herbal Remedy Recipes
1 Teaspoon of uva ursi
1 Teaspoon of Oregon grape
2 cups of water
see Herbal Preparations teas (infusion) for instructions on how to prepare herbal teas. Take as needed.
Photo By Sten Porse |
Ingredients for the Herbal Remedy Recipes
1/12 of an ounce of Mandrake Root Extract
1/12 of an ounce of Capsicum
1/12 of an ounce of Menthol
1 ounce of Bile Salts
1 ounce of Aloe
1/12 of an ounce of Ginger
Mix well and fill into 40 capsules equally divided, using finely powdered material.
Instructions for the Herbal Remedy Recipes: One or two capsules before retiring. The action of this formula helps to remove catarrhal slime from Stomach and Bowels; increases the flow of bile and stimulates the activity of the bowels and liver. In order to obtain the best results these capsules should be taken over a period of time. This formula is of especial benefit in Liver and Gall-bladder complaints, and in constipation due to sluggishness of the Liver. Where a catarrhal, congested or obstructed condition of the Gallbladder exists Gall-Bladder Remedy should be taken.
For Liver and Gall Bladder
Ingredients for the Herbal Remedy Recipes
1 1/2 ounces of Liver Herb
3/4 of a ounce of Dandelion Root
3/8 of an ounce of Mandrake Root
3/8 of an ounce of Culver’s Root
3/8 of an ounce of Colic Root
3/8 of an ounce of Wahoo Bark of Root
Mix well .and divide into 20 doses.
Instructions for the Herbal Tea: Add one dose to two cups of boiling water, cover, boil
slowly for about 2 or 3 minutes; let stand for ten minutes then strain and
take one half in the morning and the other half at night before retiring. If
boiling water is not available, use hot water and allow to stand for half
hour. It may be sweetened with honey etc., to suit taste.
Secrets of Native American Herbal Remedies
By Anthony J Cichoke, D.C, Ph.D.
Published by Dr. Otto Mausert San Francisco, California (1932)
Links to Related to this Topic
- Disorders of the Body: Kidney Disease: Information on kidney disease, symptoms, and actions to take help kidney disease.
- Juice Remedies Recipes for Kidney Disease : Juices to take with your daily meals to help relieve kidney disease.
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