Preparations for Herbal Remedies Recipes
The´re many various preparations for herbal remedies recipes each one is particular to ailments. I believe it to be important to go over the
preparations for herbal remedies recipes so when I post a herbal remedies recipes you will have a guide on the best way to prepare your herbs for that disorder. The various
preparations for herbal remedies recipes are as follows:
Preparations for Herbal Remedies Recipes : Tinctures (Extracts)
Tinctures are much more concentrated than teas and can easily assimilated.
Directions for the
preparations for herbal remedies recipes : Mix 8 oz. dried/ cut herbs, or 4 oz.powdered herb to 16 oz. (1 pint) of alcohol. (Alcohol must be at least 80 proof. Vodka or Everclear brands are recommended.) Age 14 days, shaking bottle 2-4 times a day, gently mixing well. (Some believe it´s best to go by phases of the moon, starting on the new moon and ending on the full moon.) After 14 days, strain and pour into amber glass bottles and cap tightly. Tinctures will keep tis way indefinitely with little loss of potency. It is the ideal way to store herbs if you want them to last. if you do not want to ingest the alcohol, simply add your tincture dose to a cup of hot water. The alcohol will dissipate into the air.
Preparations for Herbal Remedies Recipes : Herbal Oils
Directions for the
preparations for herbal remedies recipes : Cover desired amount of fresh or dried herbs with olive oil. Keep in warm place for 2-3 weeks or warm on low heat for 1 1/-2 hours, stirring occasionally.(Do no Boil.) Strain and press oil from herbs. Store in refrigerator to keep from spoiling.( Add vegetable glycerine to keep for longer periods.)
Herbal Preparations: Ointment
Directions for the
preparations for herbal remedies recipes : Cover desired amounts of herbs with olive oil( tallow or lanolin can be used if you don´t mind using animal products.) Gently warm on low heat for 1 1/2-2 hours, stirring occasionally. Strain and add melted beeswax to reach the desired density An ointment of cocoanut oil or cocoa butter can be made simply by heating herbs in melted oil and straining. This ointment must be kept cool ( Not exceeding 80ºF) or it will melt.
Preparations for Herbal Remedies Recipes : Herbal Baths
The skin is the largest organ of the body. It eliminates at least 2 lbs of toxins a day. Therefore it is an extremely important organ for eliminating wastes and toxins from the body and promoting good health. Herbal baths help to open skin pores and promote perspiration which assists the body during fevers, eliminating heavy metals and poisons from the body.
Directions for the herbal preparations: Before bathing, brush skin with a natural bristle brush or loafa sponge. Drink herbal teas ( Catnip, Yarrow, Nettle) while bathing.
Preparations for Herbal Remedies Recipes Preparations for Herbal Remedies Recipes : Herbal Sitz Baths
Directions for the preparations for herbal remedies recipes :Soak 4-8 oz. of dried herbs ( Catnip, Yarrow, Nettle) or a gallon-size container full of fresh herbs in cold water for a least 12 hours. Heat up without boiling. Strain and add to bath water. (Soak in it for 20-30 minutes) This is great for pregnant mothers and to speed recovery in any illness
Herbal Preparation: Mineral Bath
Directions for the
preparations for herbal remedies recipes :(For radiation or heavy metal poisoning.) Add 2 lbs. Epsom salts to hot bath water. Soak for 1 hour and then drain. Add 2 lbs. baking soda to hot bath water and soak for 1 hour. Drink Bugleweed / Yellow Dock combination and Yarrow tea while in the bath.
Herbal Preparations: Herbal Foot Bath
Note the information
above is based on information form Herbs to the Rescue Herbal First Aid Hand
Book written by Kurt King M.H. Published by Doctor Christopher Publications
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