04 March 2012 By: The Realjazz

Herbal Remedies Recipes For Constipation

Herbal Remedies Recipes For Constipation
(c) w:fr:Utilisateur:FoeNyx - 2005  
1.) Constipation tea (decoction)
Ingredients for Herbal Remedies Recipes :
1 Large handful of flowers of boneset tea
1 Large handful of dandelion flowers
4 ounces of cascara sagrada bark
2 quarts of water
Instructions for >Herbal Tea : Add to all ingredients to a sauce pan boil until the mixture reduces to one quart.

Water Mint By Jórq Hempel
3.)Herbal Powder for Intestinal Elimination
Ingredients for Herbal Remedies Recipes  
3/4 of an ounce of  Turkey Rubarb
1/2 of an ounce of Indian Senna Pods.
1/4 of an ounce of Berberis Root 
1/4 of an ounce of Sarsaparilla Root
1/4 of an ounce of Watermint Leaves 
1/4 of an ounce of Licorice Root
1/4 of an ounce of  Anise Seed
Mix well and divide into 20 doses, using fine herbal powder.
cups of boiling water
Instructions for Herbal Tea  :Take one dose in water, or mixed with jelly or jam or honey, before retiring. In stubborn cases of constipation a dose in the morning may also be taken. This.formula is especially useful, when a laxative is indicated to clean the intestines in a mild way.

4.)Laxative Herbs for Constipation—Strong
Ingredients for Herbal Remedies Recipes
1/4 of an ounce of  Turkey Rhubarb Root
1/4 of an ounce of  Violet Leaves
3/4 of an ounce of  Indian Senna Pods
3/8 of an ounce of  Culver’s Root
1/8 of an ounce of  Water Mint
1/4 of an ounce of Berberis Root
1/2 of an ounce of Licorice Root
Mix well and divide into 20 doses, for herbal tea or in herbal powder form.
Instructions for Herbal Tea : Add one dose to one or two cups of boiling water.  Boil for two or three minutes, let it steep for about 10 minutes, then strain and drink before retiring. If boiling water is not available, use hot water and allow to steep for half an hour
Instructions for Herbal  Powder: Take one dose, either in water or mixed with honey, jelly or jam before retiring.

5.)Laxative Herbs for Constipation—Mild
Knotgrass By Gordon Leppig & Andrea J. Pickart

Ingredients for Herbal Remedies Recipes 
1/8 of an ounce of  Thyme
3/4 of an ounce of   Turkey Rhubarb Root
1/4 of an ounce of Sassafras Bark 
1/4 of an ounce of Oregon Grape Root
3/8 of an ounce of Knotgrass
1/4 of an ounce of  Licorice Root
1/2 of an ounce  of Indian Senna Pods
Mix well and divide into 20 doses, using either Herbs especially cut for herbal tea decoction, or in herbal powder.
Instructions for Herbal Tea :  Prepare in the same way as Remedy 4
Instructions for Herbal  Powder:  Take one dose, either in water or mixed with honey, jelly or jam before retiring.

6.)Laxative Herbs for Constipation For Children
Ingredients for Herbal Remedies Recipes  
3/4 of an ounce of  Licorice Root
1/4 of an ounce of Heartease Herb
1/4 of an ounce of  Red Clover flowers 
1/4 of an ounce of  Indian Senna Pods 
1/2 of an ounce of  Fennel Seed
1/2 of an ounce of  Turkey Rhubarb Root
Mix well and divide into 20 doses, using either Herbs especially cut for herbal tea, or in herbal powder form.
Instructions for Herbal Tea : same as Remedy 04 & 05

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Secrets of Native American Herbal Remedies
By Anthony J Cichoke, D.C, Ph.D.

Published by Dr. Otto Mausert San Francisco, California (1932)


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