Constipation- (also known as costiveness) means irregularity in or absence of bowel movment.
Causes Explanation of Why they Cause Constipation
Photo by Seattle Municipal Archives from Seattle, WA |
- Hasty eating- this makes you constipated because with out chewing your food well the saliva dose not mix well with it. Saliva helps your stomach break down the food. With bigger wades of food in your stomach it takes longer to digest and the food builds up.
- Resisting the call
- Poor eating habits-This is a broad term which includes time of eating and what you eat. Drinking soda and eating chips, twinkes hostes, doughnuts, bread and milk all cause you to plug up your self. The processed grains and sugar turn into a glue in your intestines and stomach. Soda with grains which cause a over growth of yest in your intestines and can cause major health problems.
- Low water intake-by drinking water your intestines become like a water slide in a pool as well as soften the fecile matter.
- Poor posture-This causes a person to be constipated because if you do not have good posture exercise your intestines less which results in cause less contractions in your inestines so the matter in the intestines moves much slower and can be impacted .
- Use of tobacco-Use of any drug is bad for you and tabco is the same this weakens your muscles and nerves in your intestins as well as contamination the mucous in your lungs stomach and intestines which causes increased production of mucous which causes bowels to digest slower and move food slower as well.
- Alcohol and other narcotic drugs-These kill nerves and destroyes muscle strenght as well as damges the colon.
- Lack of exercise-Less exercise less contractions of intestional muscles digested food moves slower.
Health Causes
- thyroid problems
- circulatory disorders
- colon disturbences (Tumors, fistulas, inflamation, obstructions & polyps)
- diabetes
Actions to Alleviate Constipation
- Exercise
- eat or drink fruits and vegetable juices
- Drink at least eight 8 ounce glasses of water a day
- eat whole grains and seeds
- Stop drinking milk, eating bread and sugars
- Cleanse your body
- Fast (note fasting should be done after cleansing your body)
- Herbal Remedies Recipes
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