23 April 2012 By: The Realjazz

Disorders of the Body: Kidney Disease

Functions of the Kidneys
The main function of the kidneys is to remove fluid and waste from the body through the urine however other functions of the kidneys are the regulation of the body´s sodium and potassium levels,  as well as pH balance, and it produces hormones that effects other vital organs. some of these hormones include erythropoietin (which fosters red blood cell production) and renin (which aids blood flow).

Kidney Disease 
Kidney disease- is a catch all term  which includes kidney stones, urinary track infections and more serious disorders  such as glomerulonephritis and polycystic kidney disease.

General Symptoms for Kidney Problems:
 Puffiness in the face and limbs or weight gain, fluid retention, vomiting, back pain (felt just under the ribs), frequent urge to urinate, fever, chills, pain, fluid retention, loss of appetite, nausea and a burning sensation during urination. The urine my be cloudy or bloody.

General Symptoms for Bladder Problems:
Frequent urge to urinate ( even if you feel the bladder is empty) and a dark and cloudy urine with a foul or unpleasant odor. Back pain, chills, fever, loss of appetite nausea and cloudy urine or urine with blood. For Herbal Remedies Recipes for bladder problems and other actions to take for kindney disease follow the link.

Actions  to Take that Help with Kidney Disease
English: Kernes/grains of corn Deutsch: Gelb-orange Maiskörner. Español: grains de maïs
Photo By KoS


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