04 May 2012 0 comments By: The Realjazz

Herbal Remedies Recipes Constipation Tea #2

Constipation tea#2
Ingredients for Herbal Remedy Recipe  (decoction)
2 Teaspoons cascara sagrada bark
3 to 4 slices ginger root
1 Teaspoon of cayenne
1 teaspoon of Oregon grape root
2 cups of boiling water
Instructions for Herbal Tea : Combine the herbs mentioned above in a sauce pan bring to a boil and let the herbs boil 5-10 minutes. Then let the herbs steep for 20- 30 minutes then repeat and add the two teas together.

The Explanation of  Herbs in This Herbal Remedy Recipe
Cascara sagrada bark -in this herbal remedy recipe this herb is meant to act as  a laxative in order to get the bowels moving the only bad hing about this herb is its bitter taste.
Ginger root-this herb is in the herbal remedy recipe because it helps strengthen the muscles in the intestines, produce intestinal and stomach acids to break down food, helps break down fat and cholesterol as well as helps the body to excrete bile to eliminate waste, and finally helps the body alleviate gas that can build up do to constipation.
Cayenne pepper-this herb is in the herbal remedy recipe because it is a known to enhance the  properties of the other herbs it also helps reduce inflammation as well as doing the following strengthening the muscles in the intestines, it helps produce intestinal and stomach acids to break down food,it also helps break down fat and cholesterol as well as help the body to excrete bile to eliminate waste.
Oregon grape root-this herb is in the herbal remedies recipe because it helps detoxify the blood which helps with muscle tone in the intestine and any other muscle in the  body.

This herbal remedy recipe designed to be a laxative the abuse of laxatives can cause some serious heath problems such as B vitamin deficiencies and other more serous problems. Please do not use this  herbal remedy recipe  to try loose weight  it will only be a temporary solution if you want to loose weight and keep it of change your by cutting out bread and and milk from your diet.

Post Related to this Topic
Disorders of the Body: Constipation-Information about constipation causes and actons to take to aliivate constipation.
Juice Remedies Recipes for Constipation-Juice Recipes to take with your daily meal to help relive constipation.
Herbal Remedies Recipes For Constipation-  Herbal Remedies Recipes for Constipation defines constipation,list causes, solutions and remedies for the disorder.

There has not been sufficient study by the FDA  to say that the herbs it is good for the use of all the conditions mentioned above. Please read my legal disclaimer.

23 April 2012 0 comments By: The Realjazz

Disorders of the Body: Kidney Disease

Functions of the Kidneys
The main function of the kidneys is to remove fluid and waste from the body through the urine however other functions of the kidneys are the regulation of the body´s sodium and potassium levels,  as well as pH balance, and it produces hormones that effects other vital organs. some of these hormones include erythropoietin (which fosters red blood cell production) and renin (which aids blood flow).

Kidney Disease 
Kidney disease- is a catch all term  which includes kidney stones, urinary track infections and more serious disorders  such as glomerulonephritis and polycystic kidney disease.

General Symptoms for Kidney Problems:
 Puffiness in the face and limbs or weight gain, fluid retention, vomiting, back pain (felt just under the ribs), frequent urge to urinate, fever, chills, pain, fluid retention, loss of appetite, nausea and a burning sensation during urination. The urine my be cloudy or bloody.

General Symptoms for Bladder Problems:
Frequent urge to urinate ( even if you feel the bladder is empty) and a dark and cloudy urine with a foul or unpleasant odor. Back pain, chills, fever, loss of appetite nausea and cloudy urine or urine with blood. For Herbal Remedies Recipes for bladder problems and other actions to take for kindney disease follow the link.

Actions  to Take that Help with Kidney Disease
English: Kernes/grains of corn Deutsch: Gelb-orange Maiskörner. Español: grains de maïs
Photo By KoS

14 April 2012 0 comments By: The Realjazz

Disorders of the Body: Constipation

Constipation- (also known as costiveness) means irregularity in or absence of bowel movment.

Causes Explanation of Why they Cause Constipation
Photo by Seattle Municipal Archives from Seattle, WA 
  • Hasty eating- this makes you constipated because with out chewing your food well the saliva dose not mix well with it. Saliva helps your stomach break down the food. With bigger wades of food in your stomach it takes longer to digest and the food builds up.
  • Resisting the call
  • Poor eating habits-This is a broad term which includes time of eating and what you eat. Drinking soda and eating chips, twinkes hostes, doughnuts, bread and milk all cause you to plug up your self. The processed grains and sugar turn into a glue in your intestines and stomach. Soda with grains which cause a over growth of yest in your intestines and can cause major health problems.
  • Low water intake-by drinking water your intestines become like a water slide in a pool as well as soften the fecile matter.
  • Poor posture-This causes a person to be constipated because if you do not have good posture  exercise your intestines less which results in cause less contractions in your inestines so the matter in the intestines moves much slower and can be impacted .
  • Use of tobacco-Use of any drug is bad for you and tabco is the same this weakens your muscles and nerves in your intestins as well as contamination the mucous in your lungs stomach and intestines which causes increased production of mucous which causes bowels to digest slower and move food slower as well.
  • Alcohol and other narcotic drugs-These kill nerves and destroyes muscle strenght as well as damges the colon.
  • Lack of exercise-Less exercise less contractions of intestional muscles digested food moves slower.

Health Causes
  • thyroid problems
  • circulatory disorders
  • colon disturbences (Tumors, fistulas, inflamation, obstructions & polyps)
  • diabetes

Actions to Alleviate Constipation
12 April 2012 0 comments By: The Realjazz

Herbal Index Oregon Grape Root

 Oregon Grape Root (Mahonia aquifolium)
Kingdom: Plantae
Family: Berberidaceae
Genus: Mahonia
Species:  Mahonia aquifolium

alkaloids (such as, berberine, berbamine, and hydrastine), tannins


Photo by Ragesoss
C- Also known as Ascorbic acid this is one of the most effective and safest nutrients. It is a water soluble vitamin. It is a powerful antioxidant for the synthesis of collagen which helps to make blood vessels and keep the bodies muscles strong. The human body doesn’t have the capacity to generate Vitamin C. Therefore, it needs to

This herb is known for purifying the blood and cleansing the liver.
May be good for the following disorders:

  • Any Skin condition from acne to psorasis

There has not been sufficient study by the FDA of Oregon Grape Root (Mahonia aquifolium)   to say that it is good for the use of all the conditions mentioned above. Please read my legal disclaimer.

Prescription’s for Nutritional Healing by Phyllis A Blach CNC. If you like this information please support the publisher.
09 April 2012 0 comments By: The Realjazz

What you Don´t Know about Prescription Drugs

Why Do  We Take Prescription Drugs Without Knowing What is in Them?
Photo of Potofen by Mk2010

Do you know what is in the prescription drugs your taking or what they are made from? Believe thats a fiar question to ask since we take drugs blindly on the faith that they will make us better.We  should know what we are putting in our bodies so that we do not damage them. This holds true for everything we take in to our bodies. Prescription Drugs especially becuase they are ment to heal us.

The Source of Drugs Today.
A Drug- is an isolated chemical derived from a plant.The source of  prescription drugs today are plants. However today drug companies look for medicinal properties of plants and try to pinpoint what is in the plant that is thee active constituent. Then they will isolate that chemical and then synthesize it .  Thus  what you have is a prescription drug that is a synthetic copy of only one part of a plant of what the drug company considers to be the active constituent. This makes makes drugs and prescription drugs very dangerous and very toxic.  About 250 drugs on the market are not derivatives but are an extract of a plant in wich the active ingredient can not be synthesized. These extrats are toxic to us because the other chemicals have been removed which bring a natural balance to the plant in which causes the plant to be nontoxic. So by only using one chemical you increase toxicity greatly.

Origin of Modern drugs  and Active Ingredients.

by Markus Schweiss
The whole drug industry was started about 100 years ago. The industry was started with a man called John D Rockefeller who had a lot of oil. One of the ways he marketed that oil was to take that crude oil and not change anything with it and place it into bottles and sell it as a medication. This was on the market until about the 1930`s. Strait crude oil was marketed as a drug. I know it´s hard to believe but it is true. Then they discoverd that they were able to take this crude oil and separate out the chemicals in the oil and from these chemicals recreate the active constituent   from the plants with medicinal qualities. So basically what I am saying is drugs are made from synthetic sources, which we would call plastic. The synthetic version is faster acting then the chemical in the plant but  it is more toxic and is not safe.

The Reason why I am Sharing this Information
I am sharing this information because I know it is true and to try to persuade you to try the natural way first. Master herbalist are becoming more and more common thus making it easier to be guided to excellent health threw nutritional and herbal healing. I know natural healing is the way to go because I have seen the damaging effects of prescription drugs on my family and I would prefer that you would avoid emotional trauma that comes from a continued use of prescription drugs the healing affects of herbs when used by someone educated to on how to use herbs to give the body a boost in healing it´s self.

06 April 2012 0 comments By: The Realjazz

Herbal Index: Nutritional information for Cayenne pepper ( Capsicum frutescens or C. annum)

Cayenne pepper ( Capsicum frutescens or C. annum)
By H. Zell
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked) : Asterids
Order: Solanales
Family: Solanaceae
Genus: Capsicum
Species:  C. frutescens

Alpha-pinene, beta-ionone, beta-carotene, beta- sitosteral, caffeic acid, camphor, capsaicin, caryophyllene, chlorogenic acid, citric acid, cryptoxanthin, hesperidin, kaempferol, limonene, luten, myristic acid, 1, 8-cineole, p-coumaric acid, quercetin, scipoletin, stigmasterol, and zeaxanthin.

B1- Also known as thiamine which helps the body turn carbohydrates to glucose which give the body energy. This vitamin helps the body break down fats and proteins. . In addition to this vitamin maintains the muscle tone along the wall of the digestive tract and promotes the health of the nervous system, skin, hair, eyes, mouth, and liver. It also improves the bodies ability to withstand stress and is often called "anti-stress" vitamin.
B2- Also known as Riboflavin which plays a significant role in the production of energy. It helps in conversion of carbohydrates to sugar, which fuels the body function. Riboflavin has an active part in the electron transport chain that produces cellular energy. It also helps in the processing of amino acids and fats. It can also serve as antioxidant, which slackens the pace of ageing.
Photo by Ragesoss
B3- Vitamin B3 also known as Niacin. Niacin is essentially used to lower high cholesterol levels as well as aids the functioning nervous system ; in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins; and in the production of hydrochloric acid for the digestive system. It is also involved in the normal secretion of bile and stomach fluids, and in the synthesis of sex hormones.
B6- also known as Pyridoxamine. This water soluble vitamin is helpful in treating vast number of problems related to heart, skin, depression, fatigue, nervous system and so on.
C- Also known as Ascorbic acid this is one of the most effective and safest nutrients. It is a water soluble vitamin. It is a powerful antioxidant for the synthesis of collagen which helps to make blood vessels and keep the bodies muscles strong. The human body doesn’t have the capacity to generate Vitamin C. Therefore, it needs to receive it through foods and other supplements.
E- also known as tocopherol powerful anti oxidant; protecting the cells from free radical damage (i.e. damage caused by pollution, smoke, chemicals, stress, etc). It plays a vital role in the normal functioning of the nerve cells.The vitamin influences the reproductive system too and is often called the ‘anti sterility’ hormone. It´s also known to protect the heart and stave off cardiovascular diseases.
Being a potent free radical, it has the potential to prevent the development of cancer.


Photo by Venkatakumarsahu

  • Amino acids
  • calcium
  • essential fatty acids
  • folate
  • iron
  • magnesium
  • phosphorus
  • potassium
  • zinc

Fights inflimation, aids digestion, stops bleeding ulcers and improves circulation. Acts as a catalyst for other herbs. Good for the heart, kidneys, lungs, pancreas, spleen, and stomach.
May be good for the following disorders:
  • arthritus
  • rhueumatism
  • colds
  • sinus infections
  • sore throats
  • good for pain when applied topically
  • used with lobelia for nerves

There has not been sufficient study by the FDA of Cayenne pepper ( Capsicum frutescens or C. annum)  to say that it is good for the use of all the conditions mentioned above. Please read my legal disclaimer.

Prescription’s for Nutritional Healing by Phyllis A Blach CNC. If you like this information please support the publisher.
05 April 2012 0 comments By: The Realjazz

Herbal Index: Nutritional information for Ginger (Zingiber offcinale)

Ginger (Zingiber offcinale)
Photo From www.herbcompanion.com
Kingdom: Plantae
clade: Commelinids
Order: Zingiberales
Family: Zingiberaceae
Genus: Zingiber
Species:Z. officinale

Alpha-pinene, beta-ionone, beta-carotene, beta- sitosteral, caffeic acid, camphor, capsaicin, caryophyllene, chlorogenic acid, citral, curcumin, farnesol, ferulic acid, gereniol, gringerols, lecithin, 1, 8-cineole, and zingrerone.

  • A -Also known as retinal helps your eyes adjust to the light and the dark and helps keep your eyes, mucous membranes and skin moist. This vitamin is also a antioxidant which helps remove free radicals from your body. This vitamin is Fat soluble. (found in ground ginger)
  • B1- Also known as thiamine which helps the body turn carbohydrates to glucose which give the body energy. This vitamin helps the body break down fats and proteins. . In addition to this vitamin maintains the muscle tone along the wall of the digestive tract and promotes the health of the nervous system, skin, hair, eyes, mouth, and liver. It also improves the bodies ability to withstand stress and is often called "anti-stress" vitamin.
  • B2- Also known as Riboflavin which plays a significant role in the production of energy. It helps in  conversion of carbohydrates to sugar, which fuels the body function. Riboflavin has an active part in the electron transport chain that produces cellular energy. It also helps in the processing of amino acids and fats. It can also serve as antioxidant, which slackens the pace of ageing.
  • B3- Vitamin B3 also known as NiacinNiacin is essentially used to lower high cholesterol levels as well as aids the functioning nervous system ; in the metabolism of  carbohydrates, fats, and proteins; and in the production of hydrochloric acid for the digestive system. It is also involved in the normal secretion of bile and stomach fluids, and in the synthesis of sex hormones.
  • B6- also known as Pyridoxamine. This water soluble vitamin is helpful in treating vast number of problems related to heart, skin, depression, fatigue, nervous system and so on.
  • C- Also known as Ascorbic acid this is one of the most effective and safest nutrients. It is a water soluble vitamin. It is a powerful antioxidant for the synthesis of collagen which helps to make blood vessels and keep the bodies muscles strong. The human body doesn’t have the capacity to generate Vitamin C. Therefore, it needs to receive it through foods and other supplements.
Photo By Rajeshodayanchal
  • Amino acids
  • calcium
  • essential fatty acids
  •  iron
  •  magnesium
  •  manganese
  •  phosphorus
  •  potassium
  • selenium
  •  zinc

Fights inflimation, cleanses the colon, reduces spasms and cramps, and stimulates circulation. A strong anti-oxidant and effictive anti-microbial agent for sores and wounds. Protects liver and stomach.

May be good for the following disorders:
  • Bowel disorders
  • circulatory problems
  • arthritus
  • fever
  • headache
  • hot flashes
  • indegestion
  • morning sickness
  • motion sickness
  • muscle pain
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • flatulence
There has not been  sufficient study  by the FDA of  Ginger (Zingiber offcinale)  to say that it is good for the use  of all the conditions mentioned above. Please read my legal disclaimer.

Prescription’s for Nutritional Healing by Phyllis A Blach CNC. If you like this information please support the publisher.